NPS Touchpoints To Collect Customer Feedback

A company’s Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a reliable measure of customer loyalty and satisfaction as well as an indicator of future sales and income growth. How you use your NPS will partially depend on how you collect it. Choosing the right Net Promoter Score touch points to collect survey information can help to improve response rates and give you the information that you need.

As you probably already know, NPS is a measure of customer loyalty. By surveying customers with one question—“how likely is it that you would recommend our company?”—and subtracting the proportion of unhappy customers from happy customers, business leaders can gauge customer loyalty and satisfaction. NPS is also important to the overall health of the company. The creators of the NPS system, Fred Reichheld, Bain & Company, Inc., and Satmetrix Systems, Inc., have shown that NPS is strongly related to business growth. Businesses with higher NPS tend to do better than their competitors.

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